wish you welcome on his web site

(work begins on 26-02-2003. Site opens on 26-03-2003. last update on 14/08/2003).

This web site is only at the beginning and the main subject is Australia. Next, it will probably vary in a lot of different subjects, but it is not for instance. Just below, some lines have not still link and it is normal. I need some time to complete these rubrics. I wish you a good surf. For any suggestion (their are certainly some) or bad functioning, please say it me by writing on my email on ericmatic@free.fr. And for instance I have not a lot of time to translate all these following parts, which are for the majority available only in frensh. Thank you for your patience.

Illustrate comments

Good morning Australia...

Australia, between contrast and astonishment.

Fauna et flora, a paradise under the sun.

The botanist community (University and lab)

My holidays in Australia, a beautiful moment, but always too short.


Photos, that's it

Melbourne, the city in its all stages, and its centre

Plants and animals , another way to see Australia

University, lab, appartment...where I spend the majority of my time.

Sport and Australia, an inseparable couple.

My trip all around the East-Australia.


Finaly, you will say. It's true, it was still a missed rubric.

It's only the beginning, then it's not fournished too much. ENTRE HERE